Clippership Station 3 Specific notes:
Login Username: Fairview Clippership 1
Pass: Bluj@yShip1
IPv4 (for connecting to printer if necessary):
Setup Steps:
- Make sure ethernet cable is plugged into computer, and make sure computer has internet access.
- Find the Clippership app file location, and copy it.
- Go to the Firewall settings and add a new application to bypass.
- Paste the filepath that you copied before and give it access.
- Right click the Clippership App again, go to properties. Click the "Shortcut" tab, and make it Run as Administrator by default.
Enabling/Configurating a Scale:
- Make sure the scale is plugged into the computer either via COM cable or USB.
- Open Clippership and click on Utilities -> Workstation Setup -> Peripherals -> Device Setup
- Go to whichever unit isn't working correctly and customize (Toledo PS60 Scale for example)
- Then choose the correct "Port". If it's USB then choose the Scale's USB drive. If it's COM, select the COM port that it's plugged into. I believe there are 4 choices on the dropdown.
Note: If it's a COM cable, further customize the settings like so:
Bits per Second: 9600
Data bits: 7
Parity: Even
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Your scale will likely have Error Code 5 flashing if those settings are not correct or are set to default and will not communicate to the computer.
- You will then need to close the application to save the settings.
Testing your changes:
- Put something with weight on the scale.
- Re-open the app, and enter in a test number (1234) for the order number and press "Tab". It will attempt to load, and then switch over to manual entry mode after it doesn't find an applicable SO number.
- Tab all the way down to "weight" to get it to populate, and the field should then populate with whatever the scale is currently reading.